გლობალიზაციამ განაპირობა დისტანციურად მომუშავეთა რაოდენობის ზრდა. ჯერ კიდევ Covid19-მდე, წინასწარი გამოთვლებით მოსალოდნელი იყო 43% მატება დისტანციურად მომუშავე პერსონალის მსოფლიოს მასშტაბით 2023 წლამდე. გუნდის ეფექტურობა ინარჩუნებს იგივე პრინციპებს, იქნება ეს ვირტუალური სამუშაო სივრცე თუ ფიზიკური. თუმცა, დისტანციურ გუნდებს წარმოექმნათ დაბრკოლება ეფექტური კომუნიკაციის, მოტივაციის, საერთო ორგანიზაციული კულტურის შენარჩუნებისა და ჩართულობის თემებში. გუნდის წარმატებაზე გადამწყვეტ როლს თამაშობს ლიდერი, რომელიც ადგენს წესებს და პოულობს სწორი კომუნიკაციის არხებს, რომლებიც ხელს უწყობენ პოზიტიური გუნდური დინამიკის ჩამოყალიბებას, სახლიდან მუშაობის პირობებშიც კი.
იმ შემთხვევაშიც კი, თუ ყოველი გუნდის წევრი მუშაობს დისტანციურად, თიმბილდინგები უზრუნველყოფენ თანამშრომლებს შორის ჯანსაღ კომუნიკაციას და ამავდროულად, სახალისო და შთამბეჭდავ ატმოსფეროს შექმნას; ამასთან ერთად, ხელს უწყობენ კრიტიკულად მნიშვნელოვანი უნარ-ჩვევების გამომუშავებას და განვითარებას, რაც აუცილებელია გუნდის ეფექტურობისა და წარმატებისათვის. იხილეთ რამდენიმე პოპულარული თიმბილდინგი ვირტუალურად მომუშავე გუნდებისათვის:
Establishing effective communication protocol and choosing the right communication tools is essential. Beyond connecting to communicate about work-related matters, remote teams must find ways to have fun together to develop shared culture and connectedness. We have developed a range of team building activities that bring remote employees together. Our team facilitates these solutions through a live video stream. Our award-winning technology fuelled engagement tool, Go Team takes on a new face with Go Remote. With customisable quizzes, photo and video challenges, the often hilarious gameplay will engage all members of your remote team, encourage a spirit of collaboration and connectedness. And, did you know that our popular Escape the Mob is available for virtual teams? For a truly engaging experience, Go on a virtual day trip with your team to an art gallery or museum with Go Explore. Or take of on a virtual round the world adventure with your team with Race Around the World. Participants will virtually visit different countries and complete fun tasks related to their chosen destination. Challenging quizzes and puzzles are sure to engage everyone while they expand their collective knowledge.
Expand your team's creativity by stepping them outside their regular daily lives and into a world of make-believe. For an entertaining and engaging experience, let our facilitators guide your team over live video stream to create a movie together, publish a newspaper or dub a well-known video clip. We apply our year's of expertise delivering creative team building activities to virtual team building. Our facilitators will be online, guiding the action and sharing the laughs all the way!
Musical events are emotional, thought provoking and rewarding. Through immersion in the musical process people switch their brains into a different mode, firing new neurological connections as new skills are explored. We have designed a range of musical team building activities specifically for remote teams. Imagine your team performing the Haka together remotely guided by our expert facilitator over live video stream. Hilarious! Sing together as a choir from the comfort of your home office. Exhilarating! Did you know that rhythmic sound has the power to synchronise brain waves boosting interpersonal interactions? Try our remote team Funk the Kitchen activity. Synchronising!
Healthy workers are happier and more productive. A common complaint of remote workers is they work more hours, don't take breaks and have a little clear distinction between home and work-life balance. Our remote wellbeing programs include guided meditation which can be easily enjoyed from any device, any time, any where. Give your team the tools to be better equipped to deal with life's ups and downs, through the skills and practice that meditation brings. For something lively, try Go Fit! This energy-boosting game with a variety of timed fitness workouts, wellbeing quizzes and comical remote team video challenges is suitable for all levels of ability.
Virtual team learning gets a boost with our selection of business games. Our ground-breaking team game, Peak Performance in which a team guide an expedition up Everest is also available to teams with members working from home. Through this program, your team will develop a greater understanding of what it means to be an agile, high performing team! To enhance strategic planning and teamwork with your remote team, try the virtual version of Heroes of Troy. And, for an explosive iterative learning experience ask us about the virtual version of our ground-breaking team building activity The Infinite Loop.
We also have a range of quick Icebreakers and Energisers that you can utilise in your daily online meetings to keep your team motivated and engaged. Get in touch we'd be happy to share some ideas with you.
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Need help in deciding? Let's customise something specifically for your team to meet your desired outcomes.