თანამშრომლების ინტეგრაცია

The smooth integration of employees into a business through developing a sense of belonging.

Staff induction is the process of smoothly integrating new employees into the business. Creating a sense of belonging and building confidence so that their anxiety is reduced will allow them to learn quickly and become a productive, happy member of the team. Part of this initiation process includes understanding and adapting to organisational culture. In part this process takes place through a series of well-placed Induction programs and training and development programs.

Gamified learning activities are proven to engage and increase positive outcomes. Engagement apps, such as Go Engage, turn induction into a fun step-by-step process over several weeks, months or even a year. Go Engage bolsters new employee understanding of organisational culture, policies, procedures and tasks in a fun and engaging way. It enables the new staff member to ask questions uninhibited and return again and again to consolidate their understanding. This assists the new employee to contribute to organisational success quickly, which in turn develops their sense of belonging and respect for themselves and others. And what is more they become a great reinforcement for all staff as they informally assist in the new staff’s learning.

Team building activities play an important role in the process of induction. Knowing Me Knowing You and Quickfire, for example which encourage networking are not just great tools for integrating new staff but also play a role in building and establishing relationships among the whole team. Over a fun, informal shared experience, individuals establish a positive attitude towards their colleagues which increases work happiness and overall productivity. Developing a feeling of belonging and loyalty takes time, but a carefully designed induction process involving not only the new staff member but the whole team, creates a foundation for sustained success.

Look at this selection of related popular programs.
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